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Sorry sir, you can't be president. Remember that verbose comic you did on April 13, 2015?
Title text: Sorry sir, you can't be president. Remember that verbose comic you did on April 13, 2015?




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Ambox notice.png This transcript was generated by a bot: The text was scraped using AWS's Textract, which may have errors. Complete transcripts should also describe what happens in each panel.
[Describe panel here]
As technology advanced, personal history became easier to document
This device knows every single failure or success in every person's ufe/
Why do we want that
More information is always better!
Untested technology always comes swaddled in hope.
It's amazing how similar we all are
We all fail. We all struggle we re all rejected maybe we should just accept
Each other as whole, imperfect
Hope was soon removed
It says here that you laughed at an anti-semitic joke at age eleven
I don't even remember-
We are no longer friends
Democratic elections became especially hard.
I agree with his policies. But according to this he once cut a slice out of a cake his mom had meant for a church bake sale
And this man wants to govern
Most people have an average amount of triumph and failure. But, by sheer probability a few people experience only success.
Oh weird! I reverse-aged this year! What're the odos!?
Don't ask me. I'm just a supermodel delivering sex and gold
In the age of total awareness, these were the only electable people
According to this, she saved a thousand lives by tripping and falling on a fire alarm just as an arsonist struck.
I am prepared to agree with her views on iran
But, due to their personal histories, these people had no idea how the world works for everyone else
I don't see why people act like it's so hard to be president. Alli did was want it and I got it! Like everything else now, if you'll excuse me I must go make russia unilaterally disarm.
Obliviocracy went poorly
I know the invasion is unusual but things always work out for me? I believe the canadians will greet us as liberators
Fortunately all democracies had the same problem.
Ma'am. Mexico has conquered the southwest. Bombers are headed toward washington.
I'm gonna take a nap. Things always work out for me after nap.
Unfortunately not all countries are democracies I proclaim myself king of america!
Ha! Neat? It's like I'm in a movie
The world is now run by a small number of vicious autocrats. All information is centralized and controlled hey how come I can't look up you still can for anyone's successes and some people. Look. Failures? There's a whole list of the glorious leader's uictories
Wow/ he won the world cup by himself/
It's so freeing!
Now, nobodv knows I once tried to ask a guy out by quoting star trek!
Hey! Get back in the acid mines.
smbc-comics com

Votey Transcript[edit]

Ambox notice.png This transcript was generated by a bot: The text was scraped using AWS's Textract, which may have errors. Complete transcripts should also describe what happens in each panel.
[Describe panel here]
Ooh! There's no facebook down here!

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