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Have you noticed the ghosts who sit around pining for their true loves are always under the age of 25?
Title text: Have you noticed the ghosts who sit around pining for their true loves are always under the age of 25?




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[Describe panel here]
Who was the true love?
Lewis?! Lewie burlingate? He's still alive! God. Lewie? He's 58 and still crushes a six pack of coors 3 days a week. Literally crushes against his forehead. The young guys think it's hilarious, but geez. He should be with his kids more. Hold up, I'll fish him out of the pub.
Lewis g. Burlingate
Can ghosts do sex?
Sally! Sally, I never forgot!
Maybe I'll become a dryad.
My name is elizabeth.

Votey Transcript[edit]

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[Describe panel here]
Boy I really dodged a bullet when I died young. E o

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