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The others I could think of would be Mormonism and Shakerism. I wonder how often religions start with a sort of good-cop-bad-cop thing.
Title text: The others I could think of would be Mormonism and Shakerism. I wonder how often religions start with a sort of good-cop-bad-cop thing.




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[Describe panel here]
I'm thinking of starting a religion
That's easy.
Run around making confusing but charismatic speeches. Be a bit contradictory, for mystery's sake, but more or less straightforwarduy promote an uplifting vision of the good life.
Then die and have someone else
Simultaneously promote you as perfected while
Packaging your message in simplified form for popular consumption.
Do I have to do the die part?
Look, you can't be a straight shooting advertiser if you're promoting yourself.
It's easier, for sure. Jesus
Has paul. Socrates has plato. Confucius has mencius.
I was hoping to take advantage of my followers during my own lifetime.
That's called a cult.

Votey Transcript[edit]

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[Describe panel here]
Personally, I'd go with the cult.

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