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On the plus side if you assume God does NOT understand us you can put an upper bound on His neuron count.
Title text: On the plus side if you assume God does NOT understand us you can put an upper bound on His neuron count.




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[Describe panel here]
Do you think we'll ever understand the human brain?
With a huge effort, an 86 billion neuron human brain can perfectly comprehend the 302 neurons of the roundworm, c. Elegans.
No. Scaling laws forbid it.
That suggests you need a factor of 10^8 more neurons to fully understand another brain.
So, one day we will build a computer with the equivalent of 8.6 quintillion
Neurons, and it will perfectly fathom our minds.
Meantime, we live highly social lives despite no rich sense of our friends or our own mental workings, forced to rely on ludicrously blunt concepts like "she's acting weird" or "he's grumpy today."
Physics permits beings who completely understand us, but only if they're so powerful that they probably won't care about us.
This is how I became religious.

Votey Transcript[edit]

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[Describe panel here]
Wanna come to my lab and cause an end of the world for a c. Elegans population?

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