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Really you start to wonder about all those pale blonde princesses in storybooks.
Title text: Really you start to wonder about all those pale blonde princesses in storybooks.




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What do you think is the best book ever for promoting science?
Man gets attacked by a white whale. Man spends his life hunting white whale.
Moby-dick. Easily.
Guess what? That white whale likely had albinism, which is associated with inearsightedness: And astigmatism. It was almost certainly confused when it attacked that boat.
If captain ahab knew science, he should have searched out the white whale to give it corrective lenses.
"from hell's heart I spectacle thee" doesn't quite have the same punch.
I think literature fans would prefer technical accuracy.

Votey Transcript[edit]

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The good news is you can approach pure white unicorns because they can't see you up close.

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