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Tiny hats would cost a literal fraction of the price of the mittens.
Title text: Tiny hats would cost a literal fraction of the price of the mittens.




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Nobody wants to fund this scientific megaproject, but it's only $25 billion! That's less than a quarter the cost of mittening every cephalopod!
Well you should
Consider the tradeoff if those funds- wait what?
Assume a population of 1 billion cephalopods, 8 to 10 "hands" a piece, with economies of scale
Usually scientists say a project should be funded because it'll cost less than the most recent stupid war, so I thought "it'll cost less than that dumb thing" was a valid argument for funding.
In mitten production driving down-
Why is this relevant?
I'm.. I feel like your point is both correct and stupid.
To be clear I am in favor of the mittening project.

Votey Transcript[edit]

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