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Have you noticed that people act like it's weird that the universe follows rules, but not that one apple and one apple equals two apples?
Title text: Have you noticed that people act like it's weird that the universe follows rules, but not that one apple and one apple equals two apples?




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[Describe panel here]
Dear god, why did you weave the cosmos as a tapestry of mathematics?
What'd you want me to do? Like you drop a ball and the rate it goes down is whatever the universe feels like today?
What a shit-for-brains question.
Maybe the atomic number of helium could be "a little." maybe the size of the universe
The shape of planets' orbits can be determined by, what, pixie flatulence?
Can be "lots, man."
Okay, I got it. Chill out, god
Dear human, why do you weave your question out of words and not fairy gas.? You are just sooo mysterious.

Votey Transcript[edit]

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[Describe panel here]
(somehow this turned into the week of hating on humans)

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