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Everyone on patreon said there was a typo in the votey panel, but the robot's just selling Xena episodes, you freaks.
Title text: Everyone on patreon said there was a typo in the votey panel, but the robot's just selling Xena episodes, you freaks.




Ambox notice.png This explanation is either missing or incomplete.


Ambox notice.png This transcript was generated by a bot: The text was scraped using AWS's Textract, which may have errors. Complete transcripts should also describe what happens in each panel.
[Describe panel here]
You ever you ever feel like you're being watched?
God, wouldn't it be cool to be watched? Sure my computers listen to me and track my movements. But if they could see me and monitor my expressions imagine the quality of the product recommendations!
No never
You're gonna love these new household robots.
Discount liquor, mr. Patterson?
God bless this customer-oriented dystopia!

Votey Transcript[edit]

Ambox notice.png This transcript was generated by a bot: The text was scraped using AWS's Textract, which may have errors. Complete transcripts should also describe what happens in each panel.
[Describe panel here]
Would you like some heroine?

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