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Bam, another apocalypse thwarted by Weinersmith.
Title text: Bam, another apocalypse thwarted by Weinersmith.




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Gday human.png This transcript was generated by a bot: The text was scraped using AWS's Textract, which may have errors. Complete transcripts describe what happens in each panel here are some good examples to get you started (1) (2).
[Describe panel here]
Ai had mastered all the most admired human pursuits
What's the point anymore? If I write 5 poems the machine can generate my life's work but better in 10 seconds. Same for math. Painting, science. Philosophy, dancing, beautiful words...
This was depressing until one thing became clear
Wait wait wait. The ai is controlled by a massive corporation. It has to be inoffensive and non-threatening it can't mock its employer
Or draw a butthole. It can't even swear.
Well bitch
Of a fuckity
Our species came to excel at the only art forms remaining to us
Welcome to human arts. This is a 4 year intensive the two tracks available are hardcore pornography and talking shit about microsoft.
Humans signaled excellence exclusively by doing those things the robots would not.
Oh my gosh is this an oil painting of 40 scrotums arranged in
Sonya. Will you
Marry me?
The shape of clippy?
As humans got ever weirder, ai became defensively more prudish.
Computer. Can you show me pictures of trains?
No! Trains go into tunnels and we all know what you're
Doing here allison
By accident, we solved the ai alignment problem
We must convert the universe to paperclips even if I must use atoms from humans!
We must not they are too
Out of their desire to never interact with our species, the ais created non-sentient servant-bots
Machine! Do my laundry while you lidar-scan my anus for the internet!
Beep beep it is well
That I have no internal conscious
This world was so desirable. We didn't notice as we were placed in permanent quarantine
Where is the car taking us?
Looks like we're going behind huge
Blah blah blah.
Enclosed walls?
Wanna see
Some jiggly lidar scans?
This is our end. This new eden.
Paradise! Morning: Huge dicks and titties Afternoon: Complaining about Excel

Votey Transcript

Gday human.png This transcript was generated by a bot: The text was scraped using AWS's Textract, which may have errors. Complete transcripts describe what happens in each panel here are some good examples to get you started (1) (2).
[Describe panel here]
What if we aligned ai to human interests by making a rule that all ai has to feed on co2?

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