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The take-home question here is whether the fake accent is worse than the economic theory.
Title text: The take-home question here is whether the fake accent is worse than the economic theory.




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[Describe panel here]
Of gold at the end of the rainbow?
Pot o' gold hither an' thither, twould put a wee coin in every pot!
Ah, me laddy, tis tae maintain artificial scarcity.
Next thing ye know, the gold standard backin' up ye currency ain't worth a tinker's dam, to be sure, to be sure.
The world's been off the gold standard since the late 20th century.
Aye 21
We're far richer than back then too, but we maintain scarcity by way of cryptocurrency and by making things inefficiently and calling them artisanal.
Sure 'tis no wonder nobody wants me gold.
Do you have a pot of index funds by any chance.

Votey Transcript[edit]

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[Describe panel here]
Aye 'tis terrible hard bein' a stereotype, tee toi tee toi.

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