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There are some very nice garnishes of course, but the plate is empty.
Title text: There are some very nice garnishes of course, but the plate is empty.




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Ambox notice.png This transcript was generated by a bot: The text was scraped using AWS's Textract, which may have errors. Complete transcripts should also describe what happens in each panel.
[Describe panel here]
I know this might be your last birthday we have toge ther, papa. And it's hard to shop for someone who's dying
Then I remembered that time I was single for 6 years and you got me "cooking for 1" as a joke.
Ha! I absolutely nailed you that. Huh.
Cooking for Zero

Votey Transcript[edit]

Ambox notice.png This transcript was generated by a bot: The text was scraped using AWS's Textract, which may have errors. Complete transcripts should also describe what happens in each panel.
[Describe panel here]
Did you know that cremation is a great way to lose weight?

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