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I am ever more in favor of this as a longterm policy for the universe.
Title text: I am ever more in favor of this as a longterm policy for the universe.




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[Describe panel here]
It autumn that happy face arrived
It smiled down upon all our failures
It felt so good to see that happy face every day and every night.
So that when it asked if it could optimize us for wappiness, we agreed at once
Basically any change would improve me!
It requires precisely 429 particles to create the minimum entity that can experience happiness and nothing else
Earth was turned into countless duplications of the minimum set.
This was not because we are special. It was so that we would not be sad while the happy face was reconfiguring the sun and moon and planets
The happy face is going to alpha centauri now. And from there to more systems
And when the whole universe is wappy, it will reconfigure itself.

Votey Transcript[edit]

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[Describe panel here]

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