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Title text: 2014-12-23




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[Describe panel here]
Bet ernest hemingway that he couldn't tell a complete story in six words. So, hemingway wrote down "for sale: Baby shoes. Never worn."
Be impressive because it gets such a big emotional response so rapidly.
But what if we're just interpreting it wrong? Like maybe he was thinking imagine there's this baby born with rocket-feet, so it doesn't need shoes and everybody loves the baby and the family and they're all famous."
If they're rich, why because they're major do they sell collector's items! They're the shoes? The only shoes rocket-bary
Was ever going to wear.
So, even though they're famous and rich, they are still so entrenched in
Avarice that they'd sell their own baby's shoes for money they don't need.
Hemingway was so deep.
So deep.

Votey Transcript[edit]

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Before you email: Yes, the story is apocryphal Here's an armadillo:

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