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Title text: 2013-11-08




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[Describe panel here]
You can tell the body was poorly designed by evolution I mean, who puts sanitation next to recreation?
Where else is it gonna go? Huma
Charles darwin?
You wanna poop out of your hands next time you're trying to throw a spear? Or maybe you'd like to push wet solids out of your feet while running from, a predator?
Then you want it on your upper torso? You want to have to pump digested food up an extra ten centimeters just so you can have an lopen hole into your body cavity?
Then where ya gonna put it?! Huh? Where are you gonna run a huge extra tube through an exposed part of your body just to avoid having your poopy near your weewee?!Hua?
I don't know idont know:
Natural selection 15 a tinkerer not an idiot!
Okay okay! I'm sorry!
Hey can I ask you some questions about finches?
Sorry I have to go yell at a guy about
Male nipples.

Votey Transcript[edit]

Ambox notice.png This transcript was generated by a bot: The text was scraped using AWS's Textract, which may have errors. Complete transcripts should also describe what happens in each panel.
[Describe panel here]
People are gonna call you anti-evolution.
Someone must defend the anus!

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