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Title text: 2012-12-23




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[Describe panel here]
I figure it's sort of like watching a
If the whole universe is just energy wobbles, what's the point of it all?
Lava lamp
The lamp makes random wax bubbles, sure. But, now and then you get a really long one or a really fat one or a really lumpy one or a couple at once, and you wanna see if they connect or stay apart.
Probablv at least a couple times in your life, the wobbles turn up an adventure, or love, or something wonderful and grotesque, and it's mostly out of your control but it's fun to watch.
I suppose the problem is that you're also one of the wax bubbles, and you don't know if you're going-to be one of the good ones or not, but I really really wanna be one of the good ones.
Do you think sally likes me? Sally from homeroom?
She pulled your hair, which means she likes you. But she expresses affection by pulling hair, so you probably don't want to be with her.
I think you're one of the good wobbles.

Votey Transcript[edit]

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[Describe panel here]
What's with you and kids looking at the stars? Space is really easy to draw

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