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Title text: 2012-11-19




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[Describe panel here]
When a sperm and ecg combine, heaven ensouls the zygote.
We figured out a way to make zycotes split back into sperm and ecg
_ook! They combine, they split, they combine, they split!
This created an unexpected opportunity
The soul is made of spiritual electricity, so if we make the soul come down, then go back up over and over really fast, we c-enerate a spiritual magnetic field, which can be spun to generate more concentrated spiritual energy also known as souls.
A new form of engineering emerced
We have a massive bank of zygote cyclers, and economies of scale let us offer affordable spare souls to everyone.
A ready consumer market was found
I can deliver 14 trillion units in exchange for perfection and immortality for all mankind.
Of course there were some negative externalities
My armies are infinttel
But, on balance, it was a win.
On earth as it was in heaven.
Caption: Plus weed and boner pills.

Votey Transcript[edit]

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[Describe panel here]

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