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I think God permitted infinities just to permit stupid proofs.
Title text: I think God permitted infinities just to permit stupid proofs.




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The proof of riemann's hypothesis is trivial.
I don't have the solution - that's busywork. I'm just saying the solution is trivial.
Oh.? Then write it down and claim your fields medal.
Think about the space of all possible proofs. There are infinite proofs, all of which are just strings of little squiggles. It follows
That for any given proof, there is some other proof that is both longer and has more complicated squiggles.
Since "triviality" is always a relative quality, you can make a proof trivial just by locating a harder one among the infinite options. Thus, we have shown that all proofs are trivial, including this one.
That seems non-obvious.
Actually everything is obvious.

Votey Transcript[edit]

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The one downside is that the answer is approximately infinity characters in length.

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