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Look you're not allowed to make meaningful changes to history so this sort of stuff is the next best thing.
Title text: Look you're not allowed to make meaningful changes to history so this sort of stuff is the next best thing.




Ambox notice.png This explanation is either missing or incomplete.


Ambox notice.png This transcript was generated by a bot: The text was scraped using AWS's Textract, which may have errors. Complete transcripts should also describe what happens in each panel.
[Describe panel here]
Sally, why are you getting in the time machine again?
I'm burying huge stone vaginas in the neolithic just to watch 19th century scientists misclassify them!
Later, in the past..
Yes it is clearly a sideways mouth.
Agreed, nevertheless let us confine it to the basement of unspeakables.

Votey Transcript[edit]

Ambox notice.png This transcript was generated by a bot: The text was scraped using AWS's Textract, which may have errors. Complete transcripts should also describe what happens in each panel.
[Describe panel here]
I will need a few hours alone to process it for reference.
of /

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