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Who jiggles the jiggler?
Title text: Who jiggles the jiggler?




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[Describe panel here]
-be solved by jiggling the cables.
Occur perpetually each of them costs valuable time, often of highly skilled users.
If we assume one problem per computer per day, and an average time-loss equivalent of ten dollars, then on the world's 2 billion computers, we find the cost of jiggling to be roughly the size of the entire economy of spain!
The conclusion is simple: We take half of that money and use it to create a massive piledriver, which jiggles the entire planet every hour of every day forever.
The result? Massive savings, happier lives, gently-rocked babies sleeping through the night, and a general reduction in human vanity due to the hourly species-wide flesh-wobbuing.

Votey Transcript[edit]

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[Describe panel here]
It can also be used to kill morons!

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