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We believe the microbeads are a primitive form of Earth worship.
Title text: We believe the microbeads are a primitive form of Earth worship.




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[Describe panel here]
H, what left these footprints?
What's that?
A species for which we have no fossils or living examples, but which we know existed due to evidence of its work.
A human. They are an ichnospecies.
Humans created people-atomizing war-machines that continued until there was no more work to do. Now they hover around old human habitat.
That's what those little crab-looking machines are!
Yep. But humans made it a while, and left other things. Like as not, those footprints lead to a primitive shelter on which are drawn pictures of the beloved dead, of local animals, and penis after penis after penis.
Also plastic microbeads appear to be unique to this planet and an empty outpost on mars.
Oh come on that's gotta be a coincidence.

Votey Transcript[edit]

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[Describe panel here]
(if everyone on earth simultaneously synchronized names, nobody could be blamed for anything.)

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