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Anyone wanna teach an ethics class called And Why is *This* SMBC Wrong?
Title text: Anyone wanna teach an ethics class called And Why is *This* SMBC Wrong?




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[Describe panel here]
Human intelligence.
Medical science would benefit from discoveries via human research, but it is wrong for us to experiment on our own kind
So, we created a quantum oltra-brain.
It is as far above us as we are above ants.
To it, human suffering is meaningless so, when it does randomized trials on us, it doesn't consider itself to 8e doing anything unethical.
The ultra-brain is so complex we can't even conceptualize it. Thus, we must consider it to be a force of nature. And thus, when it kills a sad thing has happened but it is no more "unethical" than an earthquake or a tornado.
And so, we can get the vast data that would come with human testing without concerns about violating our moral principles.
What sort of questions does the ultra-mind ask?
Yeah. One problem.
That's the
I wonder which humans squish best.

Votey Transcript[edit]

Ambox notice.png This transcript was generated by a bot: The text was scraped using AWS's Textract, which may have errors. Complete transcripts should also describe what happens in each panel.
[Describe panel here]
n = (all of them)

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