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Title text: 2012-09-24




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Ambox notice.png This transcript was generated by a bot: The text was scraped using AWS's Textract, which may have errors. Complete transcripts should also describe what happens in each panel.
[Describe panel here]
Funtime activity: Leaving sad product reviews
Towel Rack (4/5 STARS) - Nov 19
"Came broken. Got rid of :4. Now I know how Mom felt about me."
Novelty Garden Gnome (3/5 STARS) - Oct 23
it's degrading over time, but then, so is everything large
enough to matter."
Can-o-matic (5/5 STARS) - Mar 5
Caption: "This can opener did not work as promised, which served as a fine reminder that justice" is but a shadow the powerful cast upon the weak."

Votey Transcript[edit]

Ambox notice.png This transcript was generated by a bot: The text was scraped using AWS's Textract, which may have errors. Complete transcripts should also describe what happens in each panel.
[Describe panel here]
Hasn't made my penis larger yet, but I am very optimistic

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