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Title text: 2013-03-25




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[Describe panel here]
We thought he was just odd, but it turned out he was a paranoid schizophrenic, and slowly getting worse.
What weirds me out is that the reason we're all worried about him is that he thinks the universe cares deeply about his behavior.
We call him crazy because he doesn't accept, like us, that he's just a tiny nothing in a giant indifferent cosmos.
But we don't accept that either. Not really. Because if we did, we'd be the ones who went nuts.
Caption: I love him, and I pity him, but I can't shake the idea that when he dies, he'll think it was for a reason, and when I die I'll just be wide-eyed scared, and alone, not knowing why I'm here or why I can't stay.

Votey Transcript[edit]

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[Describe panel here]
Also are you sharing those cookies?

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