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Title text: 2014-09-08




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Tool use?! You think tool use made humans what they are?
Ha! Oh god. I'm sorry. That's funny no, it was pleiotropy.
Pleiotropy. When two or more at tributes of a creature are moderated by the same gene. Humans have a pleiotropic gene that controls ass and neocortex size.
Humans have a weird fetish for huge asses. As you pursued this through the ages by dumb luck, your neocortices grew.
At some point, you got smart enough to lie to yourselves about your love for giant asses. Ass size stabilized and that's why modern humans aren't any smarter than they were back 100, 000 years ago.
Despite the end of advancement, the pursuit of asses gave you just enough brain power to make mathematics, science, and poetry
You chased asses all the way to space, my friends/ if you had chased a little while longer, you might have reached the stars!
Some ape had a creepy ass-fetish. 200,000 years later, swakespeare.
Another whiskey, please/

Votey Transcript[edit]

Ambox notice.png This transcript was generated by a bot: The text was scraped using AWS's Textract, which may have errors. Complete transcripts should also describe what happens in each panel.
[Describe panel here]
andly To Anna SITHL

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