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The real trick is when companies use it to get you to buy things like my new book Bea Wolf, which will change your life.
Title text: The real trick is when companies use it to get you to buy things like my new book Bea Wolf, which will change your life.




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[Autogenerated transcript]
Hey evolution, why did you create sympathy in humans? Sympathy doesn't seem red in tooth and claw?
Humans aren't red in tooth and claw. They're douchey in word and deed.
Sympathy is just the ability to simulate the behavior of others by briefly viscerally experiencing their outlook.
Humans tell each other that it's a portion of their kindness, when in fact it's really useful for lying. Simulate the feelings of your partner so that you can effectively deceive them and then have sex with someone else and then wham, higher evolutionary fitness.
Dear god, why did you create evolution?
Lack of sympathy for humans.

Votey Transcript

[Autogenerated transcript]
It's the dead eyes, man. They weird me out.

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