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Lot of patreon subscribers inform me that other animals do this. That may be, but just as animals may have language, but not poetry...
Title text: Lot of patreon subscribers inform me that other animals do this. That may be, but just as animals may have language, but not poetry...



Stars are celestial bodies with most humans consider beautiful. Logically it is an even more wonderful revelation that almost all matter on Earth, including biomass, originates from dead stars. This fact is then laughed at with the mention of masturbation, which is not considered as "deep" as cosmology. See also 2010-08-03, which also mentions starstuff.

The title text refers to how non-human animals are known to pleasure themselves, though Zach implies that humans do it in a more elegant manner.

The positions of the woman's mouth and hand are suggestive of penis-in-mouth oral sex.


Caption: "Science communication pro tip: Any aspect of humans can be dramatically attributed to beautiful aspects of the cosmos"
(A woman with large eyeglasses speaks with a solemn expression in front of a green background.)
Woman: "We alone are the way that starstuff wanks itself."