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I don't get why people are so attached to these things.
Title text: I don't get why people are so attached to these things.




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[A man and a woman are talking, the man is drinking coffee]
Man: So, I gave my soul away.
Woman: To Satan?
[The man continues, still looking as unbothered]
Man: No. To Steve. A co-worker.
Woman: Why?
Man: I just couldn't stand having an eternal immaterial essence.
[The man is alone in frame and now looks happy]
Man: Now I'm free. I can't be blamed for anything. I'm just a shambling meat machine. When I die, Poof, all gone. No more playing morality games against a judgmental deity.
[The woman is back in frame with the man]
Woman: Won't the soul go to hell?
Man: That's Steve's problem.

Votey Transcript

[The man from the comic is talking]
Man: Can you believe he paid me?

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