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Shit-Quark is part of the Standard Model of Particle Disses
Title text: Shit-Quark is part of the Standard Model of Particle Disses




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[Autogenerated transcript]
How does it feel to be in one of the impure unfundamental sciences, biologist?
Kiss my evolved ass, that's how.
"fundamental" just means
I am studying qualities that do not exist at the "fundamental" level! I am operating at the foundations of epistemology for the system I am studying! The only difference between you and me is that your systems are so simple, you can afford to put 400 dudes on figuring out how half a particle works!
There's no available deeper level of analysis. Well, I study patterns that can't be understood at a deeper level because doing so would take more computer power than could conceivably exist
In our universe, you shit-quark.
I... I never thought of it that way.
Let us compromise and hate the chemists.
It is well.

Votey Transcript

[Autogenerated transcript]
I mean when do we even use chemistry in real life? $ 5.00

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