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The antics stopped being funny some time during his 3rd year of college, but he didn't know how to stop.
Title text: The antics stopped being funny some time during his 3rd year of college, but he didn't know how to stop.




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[A man is approaching a girl at a bar]
Man: Hey girl, if I told you you had a beautiful body, would you one day, in my old age, when my mind and arms have grown soft, would you be there to respect me? To tell me that where I have been hurt I've grown strong, that I have stories worth the listen, that the project of survival hasn't just been the swerve of atoms in an insouciant void?
[The woman turns around slightly]
Woman: Nope. We are all chemistry calling itself biology. Yeast in a puddle of sugar unaware that its strivings are both the meaning of its existence and the mode of its undoing.
[Close-up on the man's face, looking tired]
Man: Wanna go halfsies on a gallon of vodka and drink until we try to have sex and fail?
[The woman approached the man with blank eyes]
Woman: Let it be so, stranger. Let it be so.

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Of course the girl is Susie Derkins, but they don't notice the connection till the morning after.

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