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Everyone is a utilitarian until being a utilitarian is low utility.
Title text: Everyone is a utilitarian until being a utilitarian is low utility.




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[Redheaded girl following black-haired girl, walking in the snow]
Redheaded girl: What do you think is the right ethics system for humans?
Black-haired girl: Hybrid.
[Both kids are now climbing snowy hill]
Black-haired girl: When a scientific study comes out showing that my pre-existing beliefs would produce the happiest outcomes, I am a utilitarian.
[They are getting to the top of the now steep hill]
Black-haired girl: When a scientific study comes out showing that my pre-existing beliefs would not produce the happiest outcomes, I keep my old position and insist my values are founded in iron moral law.
[Now on the top, looking at the stars]
Black-haired girl: It's impossible to know what philosophy is best, which means some perspective always justifies me in changing nothing about myself in response to new information!
[Wide, far away monochrome shot of the kids on the top]
Redheaded girl: If your moral standards are openly self-contradictory, how can they be the right ones for humans?
Black-haired girl: God knows we are hypocrites and wants us to be happy.

Votey Transcript

[Black-haired girl talking]
I'm a virtue ethicist who believes human flourishing is based on ego-preserving bad logic.

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