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Hoping the Welsh isn't lol.
Title text: Hoping the Welsh isn't lol.




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[Panel 1. ...]
Britain was in peril. So, as the legends foretold, Arthur arose.
Byw ydw I!
[Panel 2. ...]
He looked around for his Brittonic-speaking brethren, so he could save them. But in his homeland he found only people talking in this weird French-German creole language called "English."
Save us King Arthur!
Paid â siarad lol!
[Panel 3. ...]
These invaders were quickly dispatched to be replaced by the Welsh, Bretons, and a couple language revivalists in Cornwall.
Wow! Careful what you wish for— I mean Bydd yn ofalus am yr hyn rwyt ti'n ei ddymuno!
[Panel 4. ...]
The moral? Careful invoking national myths — usually they're taken from someone else.
Bwyta'r cleddyf, Francwr!
Oi wot! Innit!

Votey Transcript

[Arthur's head with crown and speech bubble]

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