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Meet Algo, the Boss-Guilt Absolver
Title text: Meet Algo, the Boss-Guilt Absolver




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[A woman with glasses sits at a desk, speaking to her subordinate.]
Boss: You're fired.
Employee: You're firing me?!
[Boss holds out her phone, which shows the text FIRED and an arrow pointing from it.]
Boss: No! That's the amazing thing. I just gave a machine learning algorithm parameters and it told me who to fire!
[Employee takes the phone, boss feigns sadness.]
Boss: I'm very sorry, but the algorithm has spoken.
[Employee points at the phone, Boss looks defensive.]
Employee: You just gave it my name and told it I should be fired.
Boss: Whoa, whoa, I gave it a parameter and am abiding by the outcome.

Votey Transcript

[Man calling out to someone offscreen.]
Man: Shit. Forgot my hat.
Man: Set up another window!

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