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Currently reading through this stuff and the How To Live Your Life parts are like footnotes to page upon page of incorrect physics.
Title text: Currently reading through this stuff and the How To Live Your Life parts are like footnotes to page upon page of incorrect physics.




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I follow the philosophy of epicurus, which is the philosophy of being at peace with what you have.
It's not!
Have you actually read this stuff? Epicureans had theories of happiness, but they also had crazy shit!
They thought the gods were proved because we can detect the films they emit with their bodies. They thought eyes came into existence before sight did!
Every ancient school of thought did this!
Stoics, cynics, epicureans all had unworkable systems of logic and stupid pre-scientific beliefs, and whole incorrect cosmologies, and modern people don't care!
They just want to read a standard self-help manual, but have it supposedly founded in ancient philosophy so you don't have to feel shame!
As an epicurean, I am at peace with not having read the primary literature of my philosophy. Aaaaaa

Votey Transcript

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specials rants SMiRC

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