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I was in a train station a few years ago and all the women were dressed like it was the eighties. Went back to my farm and emerged a year later to see all the men had developed mustaches as a kind of reflexive mating response.
Title text: I was in a train station a few years ago and all the women were dressed like it was the eighties. Went back to my farm and emerged a year later to see all the men had developed mustaches as a kind of reflexive mating response.




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[Describe panel here]
Remember this music from back when your body didn't hurt? When everything was so new? When love was a mystery and time an expanse and the whole world crackled with beauty and romance.?
Buy our chips.
Caption: Fun Fact: 90% of fleeting glimpses of nostalgic wonder are now used to sell corn products.

Votey Transcript[edit]

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[Describe panel here]
All you have left is that song from prom and fritos, celia.

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