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In the future, an ultra-mind will produce forms of bigotry never yet dreamt by Man.
Title text: In the future, an ultra-mind will produce forms of bigotry never yet dreamt by Man.




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Professor, what's the difference between artificial intelligence and artificial
Allow me to explain via the medium of bigotry.
General intelligence?
An artificial intelligence is a machine that is capable of racism, but only because it has been fed blased training data. Its racism may be patchy entire landscapes of prejudice may escape its notice.
T only have American chauvinism
An artificial general intelligence has the ability to assess novel situations in a prejudiced manner - to perceive and react racistly due to sincerely held doucheyness in its model of reality.
Maybe we shouldn't try to duplicate the human mind, just eliminate it.
You are now ready to learn ai ethics.

Votey Transcript[edit]

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[Describe panel here]
I don't use equations. Just robot heads saying stuff. Rioo 2

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