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There is no intuitive way to understand doinkspace. We simply have to trust our calculations.
Title text: There is no intuitive way to understand doinkspace. We simply have to trust our calculations.




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[Describe panel here]
Husband! You've been holding out on me!
Look at this sex hypercube/
Four dimensions: Style, position, location, state of mind.
See this little pink blip here? That is the only region we are currently accessing.
And that's the simplified model! If we expand to a more appropriate 19 dimensions of sex, my calculations show we've encountered no more than 0.07% of doinkspace!
Some of these regions appear to be forbidden by physics.
Known physics!
This whole quadrant requires my penis to be a closed timelike curve.
I guess I thought I had a real man.

Votey Transcript[edit]

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[Describe panel here]
I guess time-traveling penises will just remain a fantasy then.

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