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I keep trying to think of a joke, but I just can't improve on the profundity of the red button comic.
Title text: I keep trying to think of a joke, but I just can't improve on the profundity of the red button comic.




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[Describe panel here]
You know the poem ozymandias, by shelley?
It's a meditation on the smallness of human life before boundless time and change.
Yeah, it describes a fallen statue of a once-powerful king.
Art has to be reevaluated in light of circumstance. Let's be real - that poem is now digitized. Countless copies have been made. Readings of it have been transmitted into space. Those words will persist long after the sun engules the earth and the solar system goes dark.
Building a giant statue got ozymandias into a poem which will in fact outlast "the lone and level sands" that "stretch far away."
What an uplifting poem.
Immortality is basically free now, except that you still die.

Votey Transcript[edit]

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[Describe panel here]
This butt drawing will one day be viewed on mars.

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