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Learning etymology is like going through the attic of a recently dead uncle, who seemed mostly domesticated, but who spent his life having x-rated adventures.
Title text: Learning etymology is like going through the attic of a recently dead uncle, who seemed mostly domesticated, but who spent his life having x-rated adventures.




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Do you know the etymology of "son of a gun" ?
The british navy used to allow women on ships. Some times a woman would give birth onboard, but nobody would know exactly who the father was. "gun" was slang for a military guy. Hence, the kid would be called "son of a gun."
And instead say "your mom gave birth to you so you're telling me not to say "your mom is a dog," having unprotected sex with a boat full of sailors, after none of whom claimed you."

Votey Transcript[edit]

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We can only hope that ina more perfect future, "son of a gun" refers to human-gun hybrids.

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