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moneybattle |
Title text: This comic is basically a love letter to Michael Lewis. |
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This transcript was generated by a bot: The text was scraped using AWS's Textract, which may have errors. Complete transcripts describe what happens in each panel — here are some good examples to get you started (1) (2). |
- [Describe panel here]
- From now on, we are taking a statistical approach to combat.
- First, don't go for kills. Go for stabs. Successful stabs are much more valuable to victory than lethal strikes
- See siegwurst over here? Everyone thinks he's our most valuable warrior because he killed three frenchman in each of the last ten battles
- Now look at birk over here. He averages 20.1 stabs per battle
- He alone accounts for an additional 3.8 wins per campaign season. Siegwurst brings in 1.6.
- But remember when siegwurst slew two cossacks with his dance of the whirling blades?"
- No more reading the sagas, okay? No spin moves of any kind! They're very impressive, but the expected additional wins per spin move is negative. Negative!
- In this army, we care about one thing and that is stab percentage.
- This is gonna have serious negative effects on morale.
- Which correlates with exactly nothing now get stabby!
Votey Transcript[edit]
This transcript was generated by a bot: The text was scraped using AWS's Textract, which may have errors. Complete transcripts describe what happens in each panel — here are some good examples to get you started (1) (2). |
- [Describe panel here]
- The other side is using longbows
- A black swan!
- op
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