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I think there's a reading of Flowers for Algernon where the truth is he's just fundamentally a dickhead and everyone else who gets the same treatment fails to have an existential crisis.
Title text: I think there's a reading of Flowers for Algernon where the truth is he's just fundamentally a dickhead and everyone else who gets the same treatment fails to have an existential crisis.




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[Describe panel here]
Im going to give you a pill that'll double your intelligence.
Months later.
Now that you're smarter, I bet you're feeling more dissociated from society! More horrified by human limitation! More repulsed by the frailty of this tragic farce!
Thanks, doc!
That's a literary myth. Suicide rate, for instance, is anti-correlated with I.Q. The best statistical evidence suggests greater intelligence increases happiness, cooperativeness, and productivity.
It also makes you annoying
It's nice to know you've read some of the lit-erature.
smbc -

Votey Transcript[edit]

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[Describe panel here]
I would pay good money to see this version of Flowers for Algernon

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