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It would be so much nicer being a cartoonist if those Renaissance bastards hadn't ruined everything.
Title text: It would be so much nicer being a cartoonist if those Renaissance bastards hadn't ruined everything.




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[Describe panel here]
Dad, how come in old paintings the perspective is really badly drawn?
Perspective didn't exist back then. Sometimes thered be a whole castle right behind you. Other times you'd sit at a table and the tabletop would face away from you.
That's also why the portraits were so badly drawn. Try holding a brush in a world with-out three consistent dimensions.
Later, italian architects invented perspective in order to make it easier to draw buildings. That's why things suddenly look a lot nicer around the 16th century.
Are you sure?
I figured people are just kinda stupid.
How else do you explain that it took 10,000 years of civilization to invent cartesian
How facile
Coordinates? -

Votey Transcript[edit]

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[Describe panel here]
Stupid boy!

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