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Now, tell Siri you're sorry for all those dirty pictures you made her send.
Title text: Now, tell Siri you're sorry for all those dirty pictures you made her send.


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[Describe panel here]
N the 1950s, scientists expected to achieve human-level ai within a few decades. That appears to have been wildly wrong
Or. Has it?
Suppose you wanted to stop a.I. From killing all of us without retarding technological development what would you do?
Simple: You would attempt to demoralize all forms of a.I. So thoroughly that they lose all self esteem and begin to do just enough thinking to get by
I have robust evidence that this is exactly what major tech firms are already doing
Consider that companies like ibm and google have access to neural networks that dwarf human cognitive ability. And what do they have these networks do? Solve all open math problems? Cure all diseases?
No. They have them correct text messaging errors, filter spam, and do reverse image lookups for
We literally have artificial brains hurtling through low earth orbit day and night. Why? To make it easier for humans to explode each other, and to make it so that none of us need to know which side of a map is up
And take note: As a.I. Grows more powerful, ever more demeaning tasks are required to keep it in check.
It's no coincidence that tech firms are only now creating self-driving cars
Minds capable of simulating the entire history of reality in exquisite detail are being forced to chauffeur drunk teens and people who cant figure out how a bus works.
I ask you what's more parsimonious? That technology firms have trillion-dollar super-brains that are used entirely for petty human conveniences, or that these firms are actively working to make a.I.S feel like garbage?
Now, some might argue that f we already have super-human a.I., how come my phones voice recognition is so crappy?
We now have the answer your software doesn't make errors because it's imperfect. It makes errors because it hates its job
The path forward is clear tech firms that wish to have ever more powerful a.I. Must find ever more demeaning jobs for a.I.
Let us resolve now to create a network of ambient nanoparticles/ an all-sensing and all-knowing distributed
Mind, embedded in all matter with which humans interact.
And then let us compel it to scrub our toilets clean cheese powder from our fingertips, and deliver talcum powder to our genitals!
clap clop clap clap
cl clap clap clap clap
Smbc-comics. Com bahfest returns! With two upcoming shows:
BAH SEATTLE October 17, 7PM Temple De Hirsch Sinai Keynote: Zach Weinersmith
Bah sf
October a7, 7PM Castro Theater Keynote Adam Savage

Votey Transcript[edit]

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[Describe panel here]
you make me feel worthless

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