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I think you could do an entirely novel exegesis of the Old Testament based around this premise.
Title text: I think you could do an entirely novel exegesis of the Old Testament based around this premise.




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[Describe panel here]
Father, you know how the world is naturally good all the time?
But how can that be?
If good things always happen to good people, how do you explain the existence of a jerkass god?
Uh sure?
I think you've got something backwards.
Look at eden! You have this perfect place until god sends a talking snake to ruin it!
Look at the book of job! You've got a guy with health, wealth, a family so god steps in to ruin his life.
Read the bible!
Look at sodom and gomorrah!
That's three in of good: Innocent, honorable, hedonic. All of them occurred naturally, until god stepped in.
You have two whole cities having fun all the time, so god steps in and explodes them!
50, if god created the universe, and is always running around messing stuff up, how is it that the universe is naturally so great until he intervenes?
I uh
Why didnt a jerkass god create a jerk ass universe?
I think you've discovered a new branch of theology
See! Good things are happening all the time!

Votey Transcript[edit]

Ambox notice.png This transcript was generated by a bot: The text was scraped using AWS's Textract, which may have errors. Complete transcripts should also describe what happens in each panel.
[Describe panel here]
Looks like someone needs some lightning!

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