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You're welcome, fans of mathematical formalism humor.
Title text: You're welcome, fans of mathematical formalism humor.




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Ambox notice.png This transcript was generated by a bot: The text was scraped using AWS's Textract, which may have errors. Complete transcripts should also describe what happens in each panel.
[Describe panel here]
I've discovered an entirely novel set of numbers.
Primes are sometimes thought of as the atoms of numbers," but primes are still divisible by themselves and by 1. There must be something "sub-atomic" something truly indivisible
I call them invinci-primes.
Invinci-primes cant be divided by anything
Consider the first invinci-prime, invinci-2.
I try to divide it by 2, and oh sweet jesus that's brutal
Divide and conquer
But you didn't do anything you just made pictures on a blackboard, describing a meaningless concept/
I am a mathematical formalist!

Votey Transcript[edit]

Ambox notice.png This transcript was generated by a bot: The text was scraped using AWS's Textract, which may have errors. Complete transcripts should also describe what happens in each panel.
[Describe panel here]
The deuce is loose / / 2

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