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Fortunately, there aren't any Evil Nietzcheans.
Title text: Fortunately, there aren't any Evil Nietzcheans.




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[Describe panel here]
I subscribe to a philosophy called "evil utilitarianism:
I believe we should locate the most viscerally repugnant conclusions of happiness maximization, then do them immediately.
For instance, if we discover that killing all of the people in a particular village will result in more aggregate happiness over the next thousand years, not only should we do it. We should do it now then celebrate with ice cream cake.
Will you join me? We could overthrow a justly-elected goverment and execute its leaders in the expectation of a more just future society.
No can do. I'm an evil deontologist.
Then have ice cream cake
For instance, I like finding situations where I could save a life by telling a consequence free
Lie, then refusing to do it on principle.
Evil is really an underappreciateo field of study.
You may be interested in something called political economy."
Caption: smbc-comics.com -

Votey Transcript[edit]

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It's for the best

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