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I mean, you can't kill a mammoth without doing a few differential equations.
Title text: I mean, you can't kill a mammoth without doing a few differential equations.




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So, you don't think there are any inherent biological differences between men and women?
What I think is that, when measured, most of the differences are small, and some disappear under cross cultural analysis, and to the extent there are differences they tend to be within a single standard deviation, which means they're not much use for understanding individuals.
Of course
The areas where men and women differ strongly tend to not matter much in the modern world. For instance, an average man is about two standard deviations better than an average woman at throwing a rock.
Well yeah, that requires vector calculation.
I think you're constructing the narrative you want to believe.
They were probably
Throwing math books
To each other

Votey Transcript[edit]

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C'monnnn hatemail

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