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All telepaths are now employed by high-speed trading firms.
Title text: All telepaths are now employed by high-speed trading firms.




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Gday human.png This transcript was generated by a bot: The text was scraped using AWS's Textract, which may have errors. Complete transcripts describe what happens in each panel here are some good examples to get you started (1) (2).
[Describe panel here]
How can you say that?
I started superheroing in the 1930s. Do you know how much population has expanded since then? The metropolis metropolitan area has thirty times more people.
Every time I stopped a mugger, it provided as much overall security as when you stop thirty.
The more people and technology, the less the value of any individual hero. That's why we all formed leagues in the 6os and 70s.
These days, your organization needs at least forty heros, plus assistants, accounting, it, and so on.
Just to sustain the organization, you'll need to expand into services or manufacturing probably both.
Do you know the most efficient superhero today, in terms of lives saved per dollar?
Is it batman?
It's speedsheet, who can analyze spread-sheets at speeds far beyond those of mortal men.
Honestly, I'm not even sure she's really super she might just be an incredibly boring person.
Bigger societies are more statistical. Small society has simple rules. Bigger society has to be more utilitarian. Bigger still, and ethics is basically a branch of macroeconomics.
You're what. Super strong? Super fast?
Yeah. And I have laser-eyes
None of that stuff matters. If you could do super pattern recognition or had powers of super-prediction, sure.
I see
So, you won't take me as your protege.
Are you familiar with the concept of the unpaid intern?

Votey Transcript

Gday human.png This transcript was generated by a bot: The text was scraped using AWS's Textract, which may have errors. Complete transcripts describe what happens in each panel here are some good examples to get you started (1) (2).
[Describe panel here]
Speed sheets

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