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Title text: 2012-09-21




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[Describe panel here]
Isn't it amazing how you're part of an ungroken chain of reproduction going back to the dawn of life?
Not really. Sure, there's an unbroken reproductive chain, but all of your genes were in tons of individuals who had no offsprino,
Plus, it's entirely likely that a bunch of your ancestors only got to reproduce through violence or treachery, while the ancestors you'd have liked had some of their genes drop out of the pool.
So your observation could be restated as "isn't it amazing that you have a small percentage of the genes that have ever existed, many of which were transmitted to your body by means you would find repulsive.
Yeah, but isn't it amazing!
Stop it! Im trying to stick my
Science in your beauty!

Votey Transcript[edit]

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[Describe panel here]
My science is this big.

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