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Title text: 2012-03-01




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[Describe panel here]
Hi, mrs. Stratton? I just think my daughter's essay deserved an at instead of a b+.
Well, you know what? I don't care if you think I'm biased. I think youre blased against my child getting the grade she deserves/
What's fair to the other kids?! Who said anything about them?! If you don't give my daughter the right grade, I'll call the principal and the pta and my congressman and you won't hear the end of
Thank you. An a will be fine.
I got her a good grade.
Shouldn't we let her do that on her own?
Well, kids these days aren't very self-reliant.

Votey Transcript[edit]

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[Describe panel here]
Yeah, and they should be more assertive too! Fm

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