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Title text: 2011-04-12




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Shakespeare's hamlet is based on an older danish legend about a prince named amleth.
The stories are extremely similar, the major difference being the ending.
Main character's uncle kills his father and
marries his mother.
Main character acts weird to avoid
King tries to kill main character by sending him away with two men.
Main character returns to kill king.
Hamlet suffers a tragic death on laertes' poison sword after a long period of indecision and mental anguish.
If thou didst ever hold me in thy heart absent thee from felicity a while and in this harsh world draw thy breath
In pain
To tell
My story.
Amleth nets his enemies in giant wall hangings, lights them on fire, and becomes king.
Burn bitches burn! Nobody expectsnets:
I like to imagine a hybrid where we get the best of both worlds.
To be or not to be. That is the oh wait. Wait a minute. I'll just net these fuckers!

Votey Transcript[edit]

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"the net's the thing in which I'll roast the carcass of the king:

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